We have arrived to Northern Norway! Our first mission is to find out, what does Tromsø know about the Kvens.
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The Kvens are difficult to spot. They live in a vast area here and there along Northern Norway, and are hard to […]
”The Setos don’t have a future here.” Before the WWII, Estonian border used to stretch all the way over Setomaa. Then, suddenly […]
Ensimmäinen ilta-aurinko on häipynyt vuonojen taakse ja renkaiden jäljiltä laskeutunut pöly. On siis aika päivittää, mitä reissusta jäi käteen. Ennen retkeä kveenien […]
We are not Estonians nor Russians. We are Setos. Our schedule for the weekend was so free from interviews, that we had […]